Scale Software Expertise

We draw on a wealth of experience and know-how.



Creative Information Systems, Inc. was founded in 1984. Our first product was a job cost accounting software. In 1986 CIS created an integrated scale management software solution that allowed a weigh master to produce a ticket with data communication to accounts receivable, accounts payable and a general ledger, as well as affecting inventory and job cost.

In the early 1990’s our business shifted from developing accounting software to scale management software that integrated with leading accounting packages. At that time the software received its NTEP approval to be Legal For Trade.

Today, Creative Information Systems, Inc. is a leader in automated truck scale management software solutions that help organizations and municipalities accurately track and record truck or industrial scale transactions. The company’s SMSTurbo solution gives organizations better control over scale ticketing transactions automating the ticketing process and can integrate with accounting solutions for seamless end-to-end operations. Our products adapt to your business process and dramatically help to streamline the ticketing and billing tasks.

View our NTEP Certificate


Thousands of users, the latest technologies

SMSTurbo is a Microsoft SQL Application supporting the latest technologies and hardware for scale ticketing operations. CIS supports the latest tools including:

  • Signature Pad Technology
  • Video Capture Technology
  • Finger Print Capture
  • Drivers License Capture
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Automatic Vehicle Identification
  • Wireless Technology Mapping with Online Directions
  • File Attachments to Each Ticket
  • Document Imaging
  • Accounting Interfaces


Additionally we utilize RF transponders, bar code swipes, and unattended units for unmanned operations that can control gates and lights. Our goal is to help our clients understand their business needs and help them automate for effectiveness.