Big Picture and Detailed Views

Access summarized and detailed information about operations at your scales.


Standard SMSTurbo Reporting

Reporting is available to help you understand your business. Provide a complete picture of your operation to your organization. Accurate reporting is vital for planning, making decisions and tracking the profitability of your scale operation.

Capture data during scale transactions. Output current and historical information anytime. Monitor your business activity and financials; monitor and manage inventory, review figures for sales, accounts payable, accounts receivable. Determine what you’re selling, what your costs are, and the average sales for your customers. Leverage reporting for third party and compliance of government regulations.

SMSTurbo reporting offers a full featured solution which allows you to view, edit and modify standard reports and create your reports. Report Center is a hub for all of you reporting needs. Dig into your operations day-to-day activity. View performance and illustrate how you can improve.

View Sample Out-of-the-Box Reports or learn more about Advanced Reporting


Reports by Trucks

If your business revolves around a truck scale, your customer’s and vendor’s trucks enter and exit your facility on a regular basis. Report on truck activity in a variety of ways. Create a list with information about each truck and organize by customer accounts. Provide truck usage reports with detail about each transaction and organize by a material.

Truck Report Types:

  • Truck List
  • Trucking Costs
  • Truck List by Customer
  • Truck Usage Detail
  • Truck Usage Summary


Reports by Customer

Produce a report of all customers with detailed information about the customer, their location, main contact, and credit status. Develop customer usage reports by customer and material, either in summary or detailed layout, and review sales by customer. Review customer rates by order, quantity ordered, quantity shipped and more.

Customer Report Types:

  • Customer List
  • Customer Rates
  • Customer Usage Summary
  • Customer Usage Detail


Reports for Materials

Review all materials with a complete material list that includes all information related to that material, including ID, description, and price. Output a detailed material cost report with material ID, ticket number, customer ID, quantity, cost and material totals by ticket and material. Create reports with sales by total volume, total sales figures and the average price per material.

Material Report Types:

  • Materials List
  • Material Costs
  • Materials Totals
  • Material Totals
  • Material Usage Summary
  • Material Usage Detail


Additional Reports

  • Cash Reconcile – verify and reconcile cash and credit card transactions of the close of business
  • Pre-Billing – review truck scale tickets prior to invoicing your customers
  • Post-Invoicing – review tickets after invoicing your customers
  • Tax Usage – provide detailed information about tax entities
  • Ticket Lists – output a list of tickets by date range

Learn more about SMSTurbo Scale Management Software or SMSTurbo Fulcrum Web-Based Scale Ticketing.