Electronic Signature Interface

Capture electronic signatures during your scale transactions.


Why go digital?

Electronic signature capture has several advantages that traditional approaches lack. Paper processes require printing, scanning, filing, mailing or faxing. You have to enter information in your ticketing or accounting system by hand. This opens the door for human error which ends up costing your company time and money. There is also a risk of paper copies being lost or damaged.


Electronic Signature Interface

Using the SMSTurbo Electronic Signature Capture you can now eliminate those slow, noisy, hard to read and space consuming multi-part tickets. E.S.C. allows you to take advantage of today’s faster and economical laser printers, reducing costs and producing a much nicer looking ticket. With E.S.C. you no longer need to keep a printed copy of the ticket for your records. You can print an exact duplicate at any time, when and where you need it.


Key Features/Benefits

  • Reduce the amount of printed tickets
  • No need to move printed tickets from Scale House to Office
  • Re-Print “Original” tickets at any time and at any location
  • Greatly reduce ticket printing expenses
  • Store unlimited tickets electronically for a virtually unlimited number of years