Manage Roles in SMSTurbo

Control access to data and scale software features with user roles and authorities.


Assign Access by Role

Staff members at your scale operation have different roles in your organization. Your scale operator, accounting team, and managers will use different features of your scale software. User Roles allow you to define how each user accesses ticket information and ticketing functionality. Limit access to certain functions and data.

Assign user roles in SMSTurbo and manage access to data and software features. Use default user roles or create a custom role. Adjust authority levels as necessary, with security levels, including access to truck scale ticketing, ticket management, pricing, materials management and more.


Protect Company Data

As part of a management team, there is information about your scale house operation you want to share with specific team members. Control the information you share. Limit visibility of confidential data. Define who has access to sensitive company information and who can change or delete critical data. User-based roles and authority levels in SMSTurbo provide you the ability to adjust permissions for each team member, no matter how strict or open your security policies are.


Reduce Employee Theft and Human Error

Employee theft cost companies billions of dollars every year. The National Law Enforcement Agency reports that “most employee theft is a crime of opportunity. If simple steps were in place to remove the opportunity, employee theft could be reduced by as much as 87%.” Employee theft, high turnover rate, lost productivity, and human error, are just some of the reasons customers leverage these tools.

Key Features

  • Create users and passwords for each user
  • Set up individual rights and privileges
  • 26 security levels
  • Set passwords per function

Restrict Access to:

  • Voiding Tickets
  • Importing & Exporting
  • Adding Customers
  • Data Orders
  • Pricing
  • Printing Reports
  • Purging Tickets
  • Billing / Invoicing
  • Truck File
  • Material File
  • Customer File User Setup
  • Location File
  • General Company Information

Learn more about SMSTurbo Scale Management Software or SMSTurbo Fulcrum Web-Based Scale Ticketing.