Organize Your Vendor Relations

Maintain a great reputation with your vendors and track accounts payable.


Manage Vendor Information

Vendor management is a critical part of many weighing operations. Whether you pay outside haulers or material recyclers or buy inbound materials, like feed or chemicals, you’ll want to track your accounts payable. Collect, organize, and manage relevant vendor information for haulers and suppliers.

Manage and associate vendor information during your ticketing workflow. Leverage vendor management tools to create, edit and view the latest data related to each related business. Input vital information, including company name, address, phone, primary contact, and email.


Advanced Features for Transaction Data

Designate a unique ID per vendor for internal purposes and fast lookup. Create user-defined fields and store additional information about the vendor. Store other addresses for orders and delivery locations and select the delivery location for each ticket.

Associate trucks to vendor records at truck scale operations. Relate trucks to many vendors and auto-populate the name on your ticket after selecting a truck.


Set Billing and Payment Terms by Vendor

Scale house operations have different billing and payment options. With vendor tickets, you’ll be making payments to the seller at the end of the transaction rather than collecting money. Create unique payment terms for each of your vendors on their Vendor record. Make billing information and payment terms available during the truck scale ticketing process.

Set individual prices and rates for materials and apply them to multiple vendors based on orders. Define multiple invoice terms and payment terms for each transaction. Create invoice discounts based on dollar amount or cost.


Vendor Ticket Preferences

Let vendors choose how they want to receive their tickets by offering flexible ticketing options. Provide vendors printed tickets at the scale, email tickets to a designated email address, and send bulk ticket emails at the end of each day. Set ticketing preferences for each vendor on their vendor record.

Tickets – email a copy of each ticket to your vendors
Invoices – send a copy of the invoice via email
Bulk Ticket – email all related tickets to the vendors at the end of the day
Ticket Form – Enter the name of the ticket report that will print when a vendor’s ticket is printed
Ticket Copies – set the number of ticket copies the vendor will receive when the ticket is printed

Learn more about SMSTurbo Scale Management Software or SMSTurbo Fulcrum Web-Based Scale Ticketing.